Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Tidbits, Odds & Ends and Reflections

 A friend of ours, Kevin recently praised Cyprus for its beauty and long history. 

Another beautiful day in Cyprus

However, he cautioned, "It won't be easy to find a good glass of wine." To his point, I have to agree, we have not had good luck with that for either white or red. However I have hope. Today we are having a sommelier bringing wines to our apartment for a tasting of wines of Cyprus. Surely this is where we will find a truly delicious wine. If not, I found an amazing looking wine shop that I will find my way back to and I'm sure to find just what I'm looking for--something dry, not cloying, not sweet, but fresh and smooth. 

On another note, we have been enjoying both the beer and the brandy that is produced here. Did I mention they make a wonderful Aperol Spritz?  

And so our Sommelier, Gery showed up with several wines ranging from white to reds and some tasty treats as well. 

We started with this white which I quite liked. All of the wines we tasted were from the Paphos area so we have something to look forward to when we are there. We had a lively discussion ranging from politics in the USA to why we can't get these wines in Larnaca. Dennis, the man of a thousand questions threw her off her normal presentation. But in-between the questions we did learn quite a bit about the wine and the vineyards in the Paphos region. We are thinking we will book her to come again once we are in Paphos.

We tasted two whites, a rose and two reds. I particularly liked the Kolios Wines, 2016 vintage Shiraz-Merlot blend. It was very yummy, not too jammy and not too dry. As Goldilocks would say, it was just right! 

Gery left us all of the wines and told us how long they would last and she left us the remainder of the treats though there wasn't much left once we got started on them. Everything was locally produced and very delicious. We even liked the cottage cheese which isn't usually a favorite. We're looking forward to Paphos! You can get more information on Facebook winedeliveryonline or book her directly at

My turn--
I really enjoyed listening and talking with Gery. She's from Bulgaria and has lived in Cyprus for about 10 years. She lives in the Paphos area and drove approximately 100 miles to make this presentation at our apartment. (Wow!) She said now is the slow season in Cyprus (winter) so
she travels whenever and wherever opportunities appear. She did a fantastic job, provided a wealth of info on Cyprus wines but to be honest, I most enjoyed her stories. Stories of life in Bulgaria, why she moved to Cyprus along with ______ (you know there's a man in this story). "What the hell is going on in America? Trump??--for which I had no for wine?

I'll be totally honest. My "palate" is about as sophisticated as the rest of me and my life (you as my friends, have certainly figured that out by now, right?) Wine that is "dry but not cloying?" Wine that is "yummy but not too jammy?" What does that mean?? Give me the bottle and a straw and I'll tell you if I like it. 😋  Den E. Baby


  1. Love your stories! You two are quite good at writing.

  2. Thank you for amazing words ❤️. I am glad that I meet you and I am sure will be see each other in Cyprus or maybe in the USA. I had a great pleasure to talk with people with big hearts 💕
