Sunday, February 23, 2025

Our time in Paphos is ending

 Our time in Paphos and in all of Cyprus is coming to a close. We spent a quiet day in the Old Town Market. I had some last minute shopping to do at a small gallery that carries the work of local artists and jewelers. The owner told me about an American friend who lives near Paphos and her decision to keep family there and not return to the USA at this time. It wasn't a very reassuring conversation. But the beautiful things in the shop were a fantastic distraction. 

There was a toy store nearby so I had to visit it as well. On the checkout counter was a Santa with a try me button. It played Greek music and danced. I loved it. The clerk reached up and shut it off. 😣 Not very good for business. Dennis was patiently waiting on a chair in the sun. We walked back though the shops and found a small bar/cafe. Perfect, a table in the sun where we sat and had a glass of wine looking out at the Mediterranean Sea.

By the time we finished the very generous pour of wine, it was getting late. We decided to go next door to Cristo's Seafood Grill. We had been wanting to try a seafood platter. For me it was another adventure. 

The platter contained four very large prawns (shrimp) which had to have the heads removed and peeled. Not my favorite thing to do. I've watched the YouTube videos and I can't do it neatly or in 30 seconds. Dennis brilliantly suggested that afterward I use the lemon for my fingers. I did. That helped.

Mussels, prawns, calamari, large filet, small filets, chips (fries), salad

Dennis in the meantime, was fileting the fish--one large and several quite small, not sardine size but small. I'm not sure of the types but the meat was white and very tasty.

It was an excellent choice, even if the shrimp needed a bit of work. We added a carafe of red wine. Yes we know white is a more traditional choice, but the white was a bit acidic. And after all of this we shared a chocolate souffle with vanilla ice cream. To be honest, share is a bit of a stretch, as I think Dennis had two bites. We then wobbled out to the Bolt (think Uber) and headed home. I sat down, did FaceTime, and promptly fell asleep for quite a long time. Thus, bedtime was 2 AM. 😖

Today is writing and painting and a getting organized day for returning home. Dennis keeps saying we have time but it always takes me more time than I have. And now for a word from the man himself...

I'll make this short. I hope I've made it clear by now that shopping isn't something I enjoy. Given a choice between shopping or getting a colonoscopy? I'll take the colonoscopy. I lay down on the gurney, the anesthesiologist administers a great drug and I sleep like a baby. I usually don't even remember the ride back home and I drive...just kidding, Cindy drives. For me, it's a very relaxing experience. In fact, the last time I had one, the doctor told me after, that he removed a tick from back there and he wasn't going to charge me, it was gratis! Such a bonus. 

Shopping? Not so much. Shopping is like going to the dentist. I know I have to do it occasionally but I don't like it. But after she contributed to the economy---the food was great and likewise the vino. Enuf said? 😁

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