Thursday, December 28, 2023

Here We Go Again!

Several friends and a few in our families have asked us, “Where are you going this year?” And then when we answer, the next question is why? We are going to be visiting 5 countries in the southern tip of Africa: Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Eswatini and South Africa. I have loved the people, the places, everything about every country we have visited. I always say, “We must come back. We didn’t see…” Dennis says, “No, we need to visit new places.” So this year we are indeed, visiting new places that we have never been.

We had the good fortune to meet Matt Perry and his partner, Ian at the wedding of Deanne and Scott. Their descriptions of this part of the world, intrigued us. And with much advice from Matt, I set about finding out how we could actually travel here. As we have stated many times, our budget is based on what it would cost us to stay in Florida or Arizona for a month or more. 

Sticking to this in Africa is a bit tricky because when you start, it is always assumed that you want to go on a safari. If you have never gone on a safari, it is definitely a must at least once in your life. You will, in the end want your children and grandchildren to experience it. Buy lottery tickets now because it is expensive. As we had gone with Thompson Safaris in 1999 to Tanzania we wanted a different experience. That is what we are about to have. We are both, for the first time, a bit anxious about a trip. We have no idea of what to expect.     

Our route (blue arrows) from Windhoek to Capetown

We had help from three sources: Matt who lived and worked there, Debbie Isom of Travel Leaders, our ever patient travel agent, and Natalee of Elsewhere part of the travel service from Lonely Planet. The first half of the trip was in the hands of Debbie from flights to Windhoek and back to Chicago, airport transport, booking a G-Adventure, hotels and internal flights. Eswatini was based on recommendations from Matt. For South Africa our resource was Natalee. And on January 2, we will be off!

And now a word from the intrepid adventurer, Dennis:

It's begun already! She's making me write again and soon I'll hear (like an echo in a canyon), "Dennis, write a few lines about what we saw today. Dennis have you written something for the blog yet? Dennis where's your notes on what you wrote for the blog? Etc., Etc., Etc.," And we haven't even left yet. 😒

To be honest, I am a little anxious about this trip. Not because of fear or danger (the State Department says where we're going is as safe as most of Europe) but I really don't know what to expect. Well, with Cindy's prodding, stay tuned. You'll be getting my point of view as to what transpires. Wish I knew how to say Ciao in Oshiwambo, that's the most common language in Namibia. Impressed yet? 😁

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